Create experiences that keep players coming back to your game. Add leaderboards, achievements, matchmaking, challenges, and more.
Common Statements Assignment statements. You have already used an assignment statement, and it is probably the most commonly used part of any programming language. The Equal Symbol (=) is used to assign a value to a variable or array. Take the following examples. AppGameKit is a fantastic tool to use in the classroom to get students coding fast and producing professional looking games & apps quickly. The way the software handles sprites and graphics in general, and the simple user interface, allows students to pick up the basics quickly and keep them engaged whilst learning.
- iOS 3.0+
- macOS 10.8+
- Mac Catalyst 13.0+
- tvOS 9.0+
- watchOS 3.0+
GameKit offers features that you can use to create great social games.
GameKit Features
GameKit provides you with the ability to create apps that allow players to interact with each other. Multiplayer apps allow your game to create real-time network matches. Players can invite other players to join their game. Most importantly, players can receive invitations to join a match even when your game is not running. Your game is running on each device and the instances of your game exchange match and voice data with each other. Turn-Based Gaming provides store-and-forward network match infrastructure where the match is played out over a series of discrete turns. This kind of match can be played without requiring all of the players to be connected simultaneously.
Game Center offers a centralized game service that connects players to each other. Game Center implements many different features:
Achievements provide the ability to track a player’s accomplishments in your game.
Leaderboards allow your game to store and fetch player scores from Game Center.
Challenges allow a player to challenge other players to complete an achievement or to beat a leaderboard score.
class GKLocalPlayer
An object representing the authenticated Game Center player on a device.
class GKPlayer
An object that provides information about a player on Game Center.
class GKBasePlayer
The top-level player object containing basic identifying information for a player.
protocol GKLocalPlayerListener
Game Kit Klokhuis
A protocol that handles events for Game Center accounts.
Gamekit Scam
protocol GKInviteEventListener
A protocol that handles invite events from Game Center.
class GKLeaderboard
An object used to read data from a leaderboard stored on Game Center.
class GKLeaderboardSet
An object that organizes leaderboards into logical and coherent groups.
class GKScore
An object containing information for a score that was earned by the player.
class GKAchievement
An object that communicates with Game Center about the local player’s progress toward completing an achievement.
class GKAchievementDescription
An object holding text and images used to describe an achievement for an app.
class GKChallenge
An object representing a challenge issued by the local player to another player.
class GKScoreChallenge
An object representing a challenge based on a score in a leaderboard.
class GKAchievementChallenge
A challenge sent to another player urging them to complete a specific achievement.
protocol GKChallengeListener
class GKGameCenterViewController
A single user interface used to display achievements and leaderboards supported by Game Center.
class GKDialogController
An object that provides the ability to present Game Center view controller classes in macOS.
protocol GKViewController
The abstract base protocol adopted by Game Center view controller classes.
class GKTurnBasedMatch
An object used to implement turn-based matches between sets of players on Game Center.
class GKTurnBasedExchange
The exchange information sent between players even when a player is not the current player.
class GKTurnBasedExchangeReply
class GKTurnBasedParticipant
The information that describes a participant in a turn-based match.
protocol GKTurnBasedEventListener
The protocol you implement to handle exchanges and match-related events for turn-based games.
class GKMatch
A peer-to-peer network between a group of devices that are connected to Game Center.
class GKMatchRequest
A set of parameters for a new live or turn-based match.
class GKVoiceChat
A voice channel that allows a set of players in a match to speak with each other.
class GKMatchmaker
An object that programmatically creates matches with other players and receives match invitations sent by other players.
class GKMatchmakerViewController
A user interface for inviting friends to a match or for allowing Game Center to fill the remaining players needed for a match.
class GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController
A user interface that allows players to manage the turn-based matches that they are participating in.
class GKInvite
A matchmaking invitation sent by another player to the local player.
class GKNotificationBanner
A notification banner that displays text to the player.
class GKSavedGame
protocol GKSavedGameListener
The protocol you implement to provide custom actions when a saved game file is modified or a conflict is found.
Game Center EntitlementA Boolean value that indicates whether users of the app may see and compare achievements on a leaderboard, invite friends, and start multiplayer games.
struct GKError
GameKit APIs that have been deprecated and are no longer supported.