Disk Mounter 1.1


Disk Mounter 1.1 0

May 04, 2019  Linux mount and umount Updated: by Computer Hope The mount command mounts a storage device or filesystem, making it accessible and attaching it. 27 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. Add a comment 1 Answer active oldest votes. Disk Image Mounter is a way to mount the contents of an ISO so they can be viewed. There are other ways to mount the ISO but without mounting it its contents are inaccessible. Smart Disk Mounter for Windows: Version 1.2: Update at our web site: 2014 Apr 6: Smart Disk Mounter for OS-X: Version 1.47: Update at our web site. 2014 Mar 28: Smart Disk Mounter for Windows: Version 1.1: Launch at our web site: 2014 Mar 28: Smart Disk Mounter for OS-X: Version 1.0: Launch at our web site: 2014 Mar 28: Smart Disk Mounter.

Download Virtual Disk Mounter

It's a sneaky one. I tried to catch it in the ActivityMonitor process list -- but it pops into existence for only a second or two when an image is first mounted. Too quick to inspect. But unix always provides a solution (or three). Try this in Terminal.app:
sudo find / -name ' DiskImageMounter'
/System/Library/CoreServices/DiskImageMounter.app/Contents/MacOS/DiskImageMounte r
/System/Library/CoreServices/DiskImageMounter.app/Contents/Resources/DiskImageMo unter.scriptSuite
/System/Library/CoreServices/DiskImageMounter.app/Contents/Resources/DiskImageMo unter.scriptTerminology
BTW, the 'sudo' prefix is optional -- it just avoids cluttering-up the output with a gaggle of 'permission denied' error messages. If you don't have admin privileges, redirecting stderr to the bit bucket will do the same:
find / -name ' DiskImageMounter' 2> /dev/null
...in the beginning was the command line,