IStat View 3.03

iStat View 3.03

Aug 15, 2019  SINGAPORE, Aug. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - Over 40% of commercial passenger and freighter aircraft manufactured between 2019 and 2038 will be.

Developer: Bjango Pty Ltd


iStat View is a highly detailed remote monitoring app, letting you check the vital stats for Macs, PCs and servers from anywhere in the world.

To get started, please install iStat View on your Mac, and install iStat Server on the computer you would like to monitor.

• Stats, stats, stats •

iStat View displays a huge range of detailed system stats, including CPU, memory, disk space, network usage, temperatures, fan speeds and more.

• Monitor Macs, PCs and servers •

Monitor computers running macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris and other BSD/Linux based OSs by installing iStat Server. Macs can view local stats, too — just install iStat Server and iStat View on the same Mac. Download iStat Server from

• History •

iStat View includes history graphs for most stats, covering 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

• Secure •

iStat View connects to iStat Server securely over the internet or via Bonjour. A password or five digit passcode can be used to restrict access. Authorization can be reset from the server side, if required.

• Network tools •

iStat View also contains the handy network tools, ping and traceroute.

• iCloud •

Effortlessly keep your list of servers in sync across your iOS devices and Macs.

iStat View is available for iOS and macOS.

Istat view 3.03 1

We’re @bjango on Twitter. Ask us questions or follow us for updates about our apps.

Fixed an issue with deleted servers reappearing when using iCloud syncing.
Bug Fixes


Istat View 3.03 Pdf

Size: 11.8 MB
Languages: English, Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Age Rating: Rated 4+
Price: $14.99

Download iStat View for macOS Free Cracked


I am having some issues with my keychain. The issues relate to time machine. Today I got a message that there was an issue with both of my time machine disks, a time capsule and a Freebsd NAS. The issue was the same for both:

Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to 'Time Capsule'.
The network backup disk could not be accessed because there was a problem with the network username or password. You may need to re-select the backup disk and enter the correct username and password.

I removed the FreeBSD NAS and tried to re add it and got the following error message:
Keychain error -25308 occurred while creating a System Keychain entry for the username 'KhaineBOT' and url afp://khaine@nas._afpovertcp._tcp.local/time%20machine.
You can try using the Keychain Access utility to edit or repair your System Keychain

This is the error message from
21/11/2013 7:17:10.989 pm[638]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://khainebot;AUTH=SRP@nas._afpovertcp._tcp.local/time%20machine
21/11/2013 7:17:11.175 pm NetAuthSysAgent[639]: TUAMHandler::SetUAMType setting UAMType to 13
21/11/2013 7:17:11.324 pm NetAuthSysAgent[639]: ERROR: AFP_OpenSession - Login failed with 80
21/11/2013 7:17:11.325 pm[638]: NAConnectToServerSync failed with error: 80 for url:
21/11/2013 7:17:11.325 pm[638]: Authentication error (80) - the correct user or password info may not exist in the System.keychain or the server may no longer allow access for this user
21/11/2013 7:23:23.573 pm[682]: Error while confirming network destination: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25308 'Keychain error -25308 occurred while creating a System Keychain entry for the username “KhaineBOT” and URL “afp://khaine@nas._afpovertcp._tcp.local/time%20machine”.' (errKCInteractionNotAllowed / errSecInteractionNotAllowed: / Interaction is not allowed with the Security Server.) UserInfo=0x7ffb03c02430 {NSLocalizedDescription=Keychain error -25308 occurred while creating a System Keychain entry for the username “KhaineBOT” and URL “afp://khaine@nas._afpovertcp._tcp.local/time%20machine”., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try using the Keychain Access utility to edit or repair your System Keychain.}

I've tried running Keychain first aid, to no effect:
Verification started
Checking keychain configuration for khainebot (user ID=501)
Home directory is /Users/khainebot
Checked login keychain
Checked default keychain
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
No problems found
Verification completed

I can still access shares on the NAS using the username/password stored within the keychain.
I've tried everything I can think of. I have tried creating a new system keychain. I've tried creating a new login and system keychain. I have restored the system to a previous state, and I've even tried reinstalling mavericks from scratch.

Istat View 3.03 1

I am running Mavericks on a 2012 Retina MBP. I have iCloud Keychain synching on. I've tried disabling it, but nothing appears to work. Another side affect of this issue is that whenever something (i.e. wifi password) is attempted to be stored in the System Keychain, I get the following error:
Keychain 'iStatServer' cannot be found to store 'Wifi'.

The keychain 'iStatServer' does not exist within Keychain Access. I do have iStat Server installed. I have no idea how to fix it.
Does anyone have any ideas?