Postico 1.1

Postico is a modern database app for your Mac.
Postico will open files in XML format just fine, so you can easily generate Postico favorite files yourself. Importing Favorites. To import a Postico favorite file, just drag it on the Favorites window from the Finder. You can also drag them on the Postico app icon. PG Commander favorite files are also compatible with Postico.
Postico is the perfect tool for data entry, analytics, and application development.

– connect to
– connect to PostgreSQL 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 servers
– connect to cloud services like Heroku Postgres, Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS
– connect to other RDBMs that use the PostgreSQL protocol, like CockroachDB
Postico 1.1 Answers
Postico is the perfect app for managing your data. It has great tools for data entry. Filter rows that contain a search term, or set up advanced filters with multiple conditions. Quickly view rows from related tables, and save time by editing multiple rows at once.
For analytics workloads, Postico has a powerful query editor with syntax highlighting and many advanced text editing features. Execute multiple queries at once, or execute them one at a time and export results quickly.
Postico 1.1 Download
For application developers, Postico offers a full featured table designer. Add, rename and remove columns, set default values, and add column constraints (NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK constraints, foreign keys etc.). Document your database by adding comments to every table, view, column, and constraint.
Postico 1.1 Free
But the best part of Postico is how well it works. Postico is made on a Mac for a Mac. It works great with all your other Mac apps. Use all the usual keyboard shortcuts. Postico gets the basic things like copy/paste just right, and also supports more advanced features like services for text editing.
What’s New in Version 1.1
Postico 1.1 Oz
Create Indexes for Tables and Materialized Views!
Postico now has a really nice GUI for adding indexes. Existing indices are also displayed graphically (instead of raw SQL).
Postico 1.1 Inch
Not So Major Changes:
– Add support for the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro
– In the query view, Postico now immediately displays error messages even when a query returns rows. Additionally, Postico now displays a status icon after the query completes so you immediately see if it succeeded.
– The elapsed time for queries is now printed with monospaced digits to avoid jittering.
– Improved performance when editing large SQL scripts in the query view.
– Are you annoyed that Postico automatically creates a favorite when you open a postgres:// URL? You can now disable this behavior with a hidden preference. Just execute the following command: defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico CreateFavoritesForURLs 0
– Added purple color option for favorites.
– Fixed a bug that caused high CPU usage while Postico is connecting via SSH
– Fixed a crash when adding large files to bytea fields
– Fixed a bug where using the Quick Open command accidentally filtered tables in the side bar.
– Updated bundled libraries: libpq 9.5.5, OpenSSL 1.0.2j, libssh2 1.8.0.
– Since libpq 9.5.5 no longer uses the shared SSL Context, this release should also fix a potential deadlock while connecting. When this happened, Postico just showed the message “Working…” and did nothing
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